18 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akademik di Akademi Keperawatan Adi Husada Surabaya

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    Adi Husada Nursing Academy is an educational institution in the field of nursing that conducts Diploma lecture 3. Adi Husada Academy Surabaya was established in 1983 and located in Kapasari street Surabaya. During this time, academic difficulties in the recapitulation of attendance of students and lecturers as well as the academic value of the students. This is because the recapitulation is done one by one from the report of 183 lectures. While the recapitulation of academic value of students should be done by selecting one by one with the name of the students with the subject followed. From the existing problems of administrative applications required courses that can assist in the process of recapitulation of attendance of students and lecturers as well as the academic value of students. Recapitulation of student attendance is used to know the status of students in the examination. Based on the results of trials that have been done, the application successfully assist in the process of recapitulation. This journal discusses the outline of the academic application design lecture at Adi Husada Nursing Academy Surabaya

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjadwalan Produksi pada PT Bina Megah Indowood

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    PT Bina Megah Indowood private companies that moves in wood manufacture with the main product wood flooring and wood decking .Maximum firm production capacity when is 700 container per year but in 2015 total firm production of 600 container with the number of refusal order of about 20 container this was caused because methods used by companies are not yet optimal .The company uses the least work remaining ( lwr ) with priority given in the work have the number of processing left still needed to be done at least .This study attempts to help select company of a method of the best in make the production by comparing five method .Fifth this method is fcfs , edd , spt , lpt and lsf .The result of research this is the report scheduling production permesin and reports scheduling production permesin by the application of bebbasis desktop .The results of the tryouts application obtained value of 93 % and hasi

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Cleaning Section PT. Ume Sembada Gresik)

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    PT. Ume Sembada Gresik is a company that supplied the field of outsourced labor. The quality of human resources is one of the important factors to improve the productivity of the company\u27s performance. PT. Ume Sembada Gresik strive to improve the quality of the company to conduct an evaluation / assessment of performance in a way that is still manual. Performance appraisal system needs to be developed in the PT. Ume Sembada Gresik so as to assist in the performance appraisal problems. performance appraisal systems in this company are implemented using the Preference Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation (Promethee) as determining the rankings. This method is part of meode Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). With Promethee methods, assessment of an employee will be assessed taking into account the differences between the criteria for each employee to another employee. Based on the results of the implementation and testing of systems, employee performance appraisal system on PT. Ume Sembada Gresik to result in any employee performance appraisals faster than manual calculation. These results can be demonstrated by the performance appraisal report

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supplier pada Derry Auto Service dengan Metode AHP

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    Supplier selection is one important aspect that ensures smooth operations of firms, as well as in Derry Auto Service (DAS). Customers complained that the vehicle has been repaired similar damage after a few months of use because of the quality of the spare part is not replaced either. This happens because DAS just judging by the supplier selection criteria on the price of the cheapest goods. To improve the supplier selection process, DAS requires a decision support system that can process a variety of criteria that is using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). With the supplier selection decision support system is expected to produce recommendations supplier selection results. Results of experiments performed on supplier selection decision support system generates a maximum of 15 criteria and 15 intensity rating. In addition, the application also generates a report on the current best suppliers Kusuma Indah Motor with brand criteria, price, quality, and speed of delivery that produces 0.58 priority value for Shell Helix HX 5 and 1 priority value for Shell Helix HX 7

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Surat Berbasis Web pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Surabaya

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    Department of Transportation is implementing elements of regional autonomy, which hold the majority of regional government affairs, the field of Communications., The Department of Transportation to apply timeliness in doing recording, reporting Letters, Department of Transportation often have inaccuracies in the distribution of letter, it made the performance becomes late addition to distribution, There are difficulties experienced by secretary part, these difficulties such as the mail storage (archiving). During the archiving process is done well. However, for the maintenance of the archives of the letter can be accomplished and is still experiencing some difficulties, difficulty finding process letter, affect the shrinkage process should be done by letter secretary section.Through the analysis, to overcome the experiences to which there is by utilizing information technology based on the concept of mail management to support the process receiving, data collection, distribution, archiving, anddeliveryofletters.Based on the results of testing and evaluation, it is known that the web-based management application letter can provide ease of Acceptance of incoming mail from internal and external, to record, archive and distribute up to send mail out